
while few craftsmen or farmers, let alone dependents and servants, left literary compositions to be analyzed, it is obvious that their views were less fully intellectualized.


craftsmen [ˈkrɑːftsmən] n. 工匠;手艺人

dependents [dɪˈpɛndənts] n. 被抚养人;被赡养人

servants [ˈsɜːvənts] n. 仆人;佣人

compositions [ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃənz] n. 作品;作曲;(文学)创作

intellectualized [ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəlaɪzd] v. 使知识化;使理智化



while让步状语从句:while(引导词)few craftsmen or farmers(主语)left(谓语)literary compositions(宾语)

that主语从句:that(引导词)their views(主语)were(系动词)less fully intellectualized(表语)


①let alone dependents and servants为插入语,对few craftsmen or farmers进行补充说明;

②to be analyzed为后置定语,修饰literary compositions。



if humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of every institution is its distinctively human effect, we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely through dealings with the young.


headway [ˈhedweɪ] n. 前进;进步

ultimate [ˈʌltɪmət] adj. 最后的;最终的

n. 最好(或先进、伟大等)的事物

distinctively [dɪ’stɪŋktɪvli] adv. 特殊地


主句:we(主语)may [well] believe(谓语)that从句1(宾语)

that宾语从句1:that(引导词)this lesson(主语)has been learned(谓语)

if条件状语从句:if(引导词)humanity(主语)has made(谓语)some headway(宾语)

that宾语从句2:that(引导词)the ultimate value(主语)is(系动词)its distinctively human effect(表语)


①if引导条件状语从句中,in realizing that…为介词短语作后置定语修饰headway;

②that宾语从句2中,of every institution为介词短语作后置定语修饰value;

③that宾语从句1中,largely through dealings with the young为方式状语。



it is hard to imagine that the merger of a few oil firms today could recreate the same threats to competition that were feared nearly a century ago in the u.s., when the standard oil trust was broken up.


merger [ˈmɜːdʒə(r)] n. 合并;归并

recreate [ˌriːkriˈeɪt] v. 再现;再创造

competition [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn] n. 竞争;角逐;比赛


主句:it(主语)is(系动词)hard(宾语)to imagine that从句(真正的主语)

that宾语从句:that(引导词)the merger of a few oil firms(主语)could recreate(谓语)the same threats(宾语)

that定语从句修饰the same threats:that(主语)were feared(谓语)

when定语从句修饰a century ago:when(状语)the standard oil trust(主语)was broken up(谓语)【补充分析】


②that引导的定语从句中nearly a century ago in the u.s.为状语。



anyone who has toiled through sat (scholastic assessment test) will testify that test-taking skill also matters, whether it’s knowing when to guess or what questions to skip.


toiled [tɔɪld] v. 苦干;辛勤劳动

scholastic [skəˈlæstɪk] adj. 学校的;教育的;学业的

assessment [əˈsesmənt] n. 看法;评估;评定;核定;判定

testify [ˈtestɪfaɪ] v. 作证;证明;证实;见证

test-taking [test ˈteɪkɪŋ] adj. 应试的

n. 应试;参加测试


主句:anyone(主语)will testify(谓语)that从句(宾语)

who定语从句修饰anyone:who(主语)has toiled through(谓语)sat (scholastic assessment test)(宾语)

that宾语从句:that(引导词)test-taking skill(主语)also matters(谓语)

让步状语从句:whether(引导词)it(主语)’s knowing(谓语)when to guess or what questions to skip(or连接两个宾语)





15. that matters because theory suggests that the maximum sustainable yield that can be cropped from a fishery comes when the biomass of a target species is about 50% of its original levels.


maximum [ˈmæksɪməm] adj. 最高的;最多的;最大极限的

n. 最大量;最大限度;最高限度

sustainable [səˈsteɪnəbl] adj. 可持续的;不破坏生态平衡的;合理利用的

yield [jiːld] n. 产量;产出;利润

v. 出产;产生;屈服;让步

cropped [krɒpt] v. 剪短;剪裁,裁切

adj. (服装)偏短的

fishery [ˈfɪʃəri] n. 渔场;渔业;水产业

biomass [ˈbaɪəʊmæs] n. 生物量

original [əˈrɪdʒənl] adj. 起初的;原来的;最早的;首创的

n. 原件;正本;原稿;原作




that宾语从句:that(引导词)the maximum sustainable yield(主语)comes(谓语)

that定语从句修饰yield:that(主语)can be cropped(谓语)

when时间状语从句:when(引导词)the biomass(主语)is(系动词)about 50%(表语)


①that定语从句中,from a fishery为状语;

②when时间状语从句中,of a target species为后置定语修饰biomass,of its original levels为后置定语修饰50%。




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